Rest Day
Featured Article:
Variance is Good
Constantly varied workouts are a core principle of CrossFit, designed to prepare individuals for any physical challenge by building broad, general fitness. Critics argue that frequent variation prevents athletes from improving, but millions of CrossFit athletes have proven otherwise, achieving remarkable levels of fitness through diverse training. CrossFit's methodology focuses on developing strength, endurance, and functional movement patterns through a wide range of activities, which complement and enhance one another. Even specialized athletes, like weightlifters and powerlifters, benefit from incorporating variety into their training. CrossFit prioritizes comprehensive fitness over specialization, equipping individuals to excel across a broad spectrum of physical challenges.
For time:
250-meter row
100-meter farmers carry
200-meter run
500-meter row
100-meter farmers carry
400-meter run
750-meter row
100-meter farmers carry
600-meter run
1,000-meter row
100-meter farmers carry
800-meter run
♀ 53-lb kettlebells
♂ 70-lb kettlebells
You have the option to take today as a full rest day if you are feeling sore or tired. If you want to move, approach this workout with 70-75% effort. Focus on picking a comfortable row and run pace you can maintain throughout the entire workout. Choose a kettlebell weight for the farmers carries that allows you to go unbroken. Aim for sub-25 minutes.
Intermediate option:
Rest Day
For time:
250-meter row
100-meter farmers carry
200-meter run
500-meter row
100-meter farmers carry
400-meter run
750-meter row
100-meter farmers carry
600-meter run
1,000-meter row
100-meter farmers carry
800-meter run
♀ 35-lb kettlebells
♂ 53-lb kettlebells
Beginner option:
Rest Day
For time:
200-meter row
100-meter farmers carry
100-meter run
400-meter row
100-meter farmers carry
200-meter run
600-meter row
100-meter farmers carry
300-meter run
800-meter row
100-meter farmers carry
400-meter run
♀ 26-lb kettlebells
♂ 44-lb kettlebells
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